Description of Exercises  [For prologue to this section of The Mom & Me Journals dot Net, click here.]
As of 9/04/04:
  1. In Side Lift [ISL]:  Standing, with weights; Holding arms at sides, weights parallel to floor, lift weights up along sides as high as possible while holding elbows as close to body as possible; lower weights to starting position.
  2. Kick It [KI]:  Sitting, independent alternate leg reps; start with foot flat on floor, kick to touch trainer's hand with toes, return foot flat to floor.
  3. Lift Up [LU]:  Standing, with weights; Holding weights above shoulders, elbows out to sides, weights parallel to floor, extend arms completely above head, return to starting position.
  4. Knee It [KNI]:  Sitting, independent alternate leg reps; start with foot flat on floor, raise knee up to touch trainer's hand, return foot flat to floor.
  5. Forward Out 1 [FO1]:  Standing, with weights; Holding weights to upper chest perpendicular to ground, elbows close to sides, extend arms straight out, return to starting position.
  6. Separate Demitoe Sitting [SDS]:  Sitting, independent alternate leg reps; start with foot flat on floor, raise heel until foot is resting on ball and toes, return to starting position.
  7. Forward Out 2 [FO2]:  Standing, with weights; Holding weights to upper chest parallel to ground, elbows perpendicular to body, extend arms straight out, return to starting position.
  8. Together Demitoe Sitting [TDS]:  Sitting, both feet reps together; start with feet flat on floor, raise heels until feet are resting on balls and toes, return to starting position.
  9. Forward 2 Side [F2S]:  Standing, with weights; Holding weights straight out in front at shoulder height perpendicular to ground, open arms out until they are perpendicular to front of body, return to starting position.
  10. Side Step Sitting [SSS]:  Sitting, independent alternate leg reps; start with foot flat on floor, step smartly to side and back, lifting knee up and down with thigh action.
  11. Arm Circles [AC]:  Sitting, with weights; Holding weights straight out to sides at shoulder height perpendicular to ground, circle arms forward for prescribed reps, then backward.
  12. Marching In Place [MIP]:  Standing, holding on to back of chair with both hands for support; march in place smartly, lifting knees high. On 9/6/04, changed exercise so that she stands between two chair backs facing forward and supports self on either side.
  13. Forward Curls [FC]:  Standing, with weights; Holding weights parallel to ground, arms close to sides, bend arm at elbow and raise weights to shoulders, keeping elbows close to sides.
  14. Separate Demitoe Standing [SDST]:  Standing, holding on to back of chair with both hands for support, independent alternate leg reps; with foot flat on floor lift heel until foot is resting on ball and toes, lower foot flat to floor.
  15. Independent Arm Circles Right [IACR]:  Standing perpendicular to chair back holding onto chair with left hand, without weights; with right arm hanging down at side, circle arm from shoulder and upper arm, forearm hanging loose and elbow slightly bent, around across body and face, up, then out to side and down.
  16. Together Demitoe Standing [TDST]:  Standing, holding on to back of chair with both hands, both feet reps together; start with feet flat on floor, raise heels until feet are resting on balls and toes, return to starting position.
  17. Independent Arm Circles Left [IACL]:  Standing perpendicular to chair back holding onto chair with right hand, without weights; with left arm hanging down at side, circle arm from shoulder and upper arm, forearm hanging loose and elbow slightly bent, around across body and face, up, then out to side and down.
  18. Side to Side [STS]:  Standing, hands on hips, without weights; begin facing forward, twist torso to left, then to right, as far as you can go.
  19. Side Step Standing [SSST]:  Standing, holding on to back of chair with both hands for support, independent alternate leg reps; start with foot flat on floor, step smartly to side and back, lifting knee up and down with thigh action.
  20. Back Drop [BD]:  Standing or sitting, independent alternate arm reps, with weights; Turning arm out so palm faces away from body, grip top of weight between thumb and forefinger, lift a arm straight above head so weight is parallel to ground, keeping upper arm straight, bend elbow and lower weight behind head and neck and lift to starting position.
  21. Not So Grand Plie [NSGP]:  Standing supporting self with arms between two chair backs, toes turned outward, feet about shoulder's length apart, bend just a touch at the knees, keeping back straight and buttocks held in, then rise.
  22. Standing Up/Sitting Down [SUSD]:  That's right, standing up and sitting down, with coaching and support. Not surprisingly, she is currently having difficulty standing up and sitting down, so I decided we should practice this. She scoots to the edge of the chair, readies her muscles, braces herself with her hands on my very steady arms, I coach her to "lean forward from the hips" and she stands up, then sits down, while I coach her to "sit with control, don't plop yourself in the chair."
  23. Belly Grip [BG]:  This is simply tightening the abdominal muscles, holding for a count of five and relaxing for a count of five. Performed standing up. It occurred to me that this might help strengthen her lower back and help her body "remember" how to stand correctly when using her walker so that she stands closer to it and pushes it with the momentum of her legs instead of with her arms.

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Today's Exercise Session:

Time Session Began:  1800
Duration of Session:  1hr 20 min
Exercise Reps Sets Comments
ISL 15 + 5 2 Worked on getting weights higher; pushing elbows back; good improvement.
KI 15 + 5 2 Noticeable improvement; she kicked higher of her own accord. Right leg is improving significantly.
LU 15 + 5 2 Still breaks right wrist a little when coming to rest at shoulder.
KNI 15 + 5 2 Excellent!
FO1 15 + 5 2 Worked on keeping elbows in.
SDS 20 1 Continuing to alternate legs, doing both legs at same time. Told me, today, that she gets tired in her shins on this one.
FO2 15 + 5 2 Still drops right hand at wrist a little, but not the left, anymore.
TDS 20 + 5 2 Excellent!
F2S 10 + 5 + 5 3 Yesterday did 4 sets of 5; today did 3 sets with 10 in first set. She's holding her arms straight throughout the exercise without prompting, today! Hooray!
SSS 15 + 5 (L)
10 + 5 + 5 (R)
2/3 Lifting when stepping is still hard for her, especially on the right. Broke the right into 3 sets, as noted above.
AC 10 + 5 2 Arms are straightening; she admitted to a problem with the right arm.
MIP 20 + 5 2 Left knee lags in lift, but she's getting better.
FC 15 + 5 2 Explained philosophy behind gripping weight and not relaxing muscles at the drop; showed her, with my muscles, what she was doing, how the muscles look (or, rather, don't look) and what she should be doing and how the muscles should look through the skin, how her muscles should be contracted throughout the entire exercise, and gripping the weight helps one to do this.
SDST 20 + 5 2 Noticed her balance shift was a little ungainly; checked the position of the chairs; that's not it. So, I figure it's just her. Didn't call her on it, yet.
IACR 10 + 5 2 A little trouble with sweeping across her body, today.
TDST 15 + 5 2 Good!
IACL 10 + 5 2 See IACL - left and right arms sequentially; will probably continue this instead of splitting the arms' performances, from now on.
STS 5 + 2 2 She was game for this one again, today. Noticed she's not turning head and shoulders with body. Coached her verbally and with my demonstration on this, but will work on it next time.
SSST 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 4 Isolated the movements for her as, the primary movement being the lifting of the leg with the thigh, the secondary movement being swinging the lifted leg to the side. She's lifting her calf at the knee; I told her, no, lift from the thigh and the calf with follow, you won't have to use your knee at all.
BD 15 + 5 2 Excellent! Picked up weights correctly without being prompted and held arms straight up in the air! She said, "I felt that one, today!"
NSGP 5 1 Said she "felt it" in the back of her right knee. I told her, "Good, as long as it's not pain, then that's the area you need strengthening." Coached her on body stance, keeping buttocks and lower abdomen in and tight, holding torso absolutely erect when going down and coming up.

    Truthfully, today, I didn't think we were going to get an exercise session in. But, when she awoke from her nap she seemed very rested and alert, I suggested a session about a half hour later and she agreed, much to my surprise, although she also reminded me that she walkered today and, "is a session really necessary?"
    No, I said, it isn't, "but why don't we just take it exercise by exercise and when you get tired, we'll stop?"
    She agreed.
    As it turns out, we went through the whole program. I even mentioned, halfway through, "Isn't it funny how, when you think you don't want to move, once you start moving, you realize that's what you want to do?"
    She smiled brightly, "I was just thinking that same thing!"
    Today her endurance showed remarkable improvement. She didn't need to sit between each standing exercise.
    I decided, today, to explain to her why, when we began, I didn't spend any time on correction but now I spend a lot of time correcting her. I told her that, frankly, when we began, I wasn't sure how capable she'd be of correction, whether her 87 year old body would be "willing" to take correction, whether it was even capable of correct movement anymore. I was very frank with her about this. I told her that it is a revelation to me to attend her at these exercise sessions because, aside from me exercising, too, I am, every day, literally, every single day, surprised and heartened how much one can expect from an aged body, and, as well, an aged body that hasn't been very mobile for a long, long time. I apologized for my previously low expectations, as well, and told her I would try hard not to lower my expectations of her unless I give it a lot of thought, discuss lowering expectations with her and think, first, of alternative ways to accomplish the same goal.
    "So," I said, "I'm trying hard to make sure I get both corrective feedback and congratulatory feedback in. Remember, it's a good thing that I'm correcting you, not just because you'll get more out of the exercises, but because that means I think you can do it. Start to worry when I no longer correct you!"
    She understood.
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